Back to south...

The last thing we did in Monkey Mia was a sailturn on a cat called shotover. It is the boat of a friend of Trevor and Sue, who we unfortunately didn't met, as his son Quinn was the captain on board.
We sailed the sunset with valentin and I was aible to sail again in the morning to see a couple of dugeons (Seekühe). Very shy animals and I think I was not lucky to take a picture.

On the way back to south we had one overnight stay at billabong Roadhouse, at Dongara and in Julien Bay.

 Today we booked a tour to snorkel with sealions (very funny and I had some breathless moments under water - they come close!!!) and see some pinnacles under water. Very impressive!

Now we are in Lancellin to see the Dunes here and we already tried to sandboard - not easy hey.... But fun definately.

Sorry for any mistakes in my reports.... I am just writing whats in my mind... ;)


Carine hat gesagt…
pictures missing!!
[das tönt alles so cool, kann man sich ohne fotos gar nicht vorstellen... ;-)]
kri hat gesagt…
Intrnet ist ziemlich selten geworden nun... deshalb die fotos erst jetzt :)
Sind aber schon in Bunburry - südlich von Perth, bei kühlen 18°C und Regen... Also wohl morgen wieder coffeetime und wifi für den nächsten eintrag ;)

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